.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-63780: ====================================================================================== Breaking: #63780 - Remove public properties words and word_strings from ReferenceIndex ====================================================================================== See :issue:`63780` Description =========== Public properties `words` and `word_strings` have been removed from class `\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ReferenceIndex`. `ReferenceIndex->words` was always an empty array and `ReferenceIndex->word_strings` contained strings from input- and text fields of every record that was given to this class instance. Impact ====== An extension relying on one of these public properties will fail. Affected installations ====================== It is unlikely that any extension used the properties words or word_strings. An instance could be checked by searching for usages of class `ReferenceIndex`. Migration ========= The according logic needs to be re-implemented in an extension that used the content of these properties. .. index:: PHP-API, Backend