.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-20767: =============================================================== Feature: #20767 - Allow nested array access on getData of field =============================================================== See :issue:`20767` Description =========== Right now the `getData` type in TS only allows to access nested arrays in types GPVar and TSFE. Now the same is allowed for `field` too. If the field value is :code:`array('somekey' => array('level1' => array('level2' => 'somevalue')));`, you can get the `somevalue` by configuring the following TypoScript. .. code-block:: typoscript 10 = TEXT 10.data = field:fieldname|level1|level2 Impact ====== You can now access nested keys via getData `field:`. Nested keys are not available with the default set of content objects, however just content objects and `USER` object may return such a field structure. .. index:: TypoScript, Frontend