.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-46624-1668719172: =============================================== Feature: #46624 - Additional HMENU browse menus =============================================== See :issue:`46624` Description =========== The TypoScript Content Object HMENU with a `special=browse` option does not exclude "not in menu" pages nor pages that have a "no search" checkbox set. The two new options allow for more fine-grained selection of the items within the menu. The existing option "includeNotInMenu" was not available yet for the `HMENU` with `special=browse` enabled. .. code-block:: typoscript lib.browsemenu = HMENU lib.browsemenu.special = browse lib.browsemenu.special.excludeNoSearchPages = 1 lib.browsemenu.includeNotInMenu = 1 ... .. index:: TypoScript, Frontend