.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-66111: ======================================================================== Feature: #66111 - Add TemplateRootPaths support to cObject FLUIDTEMPLATE ======================================================================== See :issue:`66111` Description =========== cObject FLUIDTEMPLATE has been extended with `templateRootPaths` and `templateName`. Now you can set a template name and when rendering the template this name is used together with the set format to find the template in the given templateRootPaths with the same fallback logic as layoutRootPath and partialRootPath - templateName = string/stdWrap - templateRootPaths = array of file paths with "EXT:" prefix support Example 1: ---------- .. code-block:: typoscript lib.stdContent = FLUIDTEMPLATE lib.stdContent { templateName = Default layoutRootPaths { 10 = EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Layouts 20 = EXT:sitemodification/Resources/Private/Layouts } partialRootPaths { 10 = EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Partials 20 = EXT:sitemodification/Resources/Private/Partials } templateRootPaths { 10 = EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Templates 20 = EXT:sitemodification/Resources/Private/Templates } variable { foo = bar } } Example 2: ---------- .. code-block:: typoscript lib.stdContent = FLUIDTEMPLATE lib.stdContent { templateName = TEXT templateName.stdWrap { cObject = TEXT cObject { data = levelfield:-2,backend_layout_next_level,slide override.field = backend_layout split { token = frontend__ 1.current = 1 1.wrap = | } } ifEmpty = Default } layoutRootPaths { 10 = EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Layouts 20 = EXT:sitemodification/Resources/Private/Layouts } partialRootPaths { 10 = EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Partials 20 = EXT:sitemodification/Resources/Private/Partials } templateRootPaths { 10 = EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Templates 20 = EXT:sitemodification/Resources/Private/Templates } variable { foo = bar } } Impact ====== If templateName and templateRootPaths are set the template and file options are neglected. .. index:: TypoScript, Fluid, Frontend