.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-67471: ======================================== Deprecation: #67471 - Deprecate init.php ======================================== See :issue:`67471` Description =========== In order to move all unneeded files from typo3/, the often used init.php has been deprecated in favor of using the bootstrap initialization code directly in the TYPO3 Backend. Impact ====== All entry points from third-party extensions using init.php will now throw a deprecation warning. Affected Installations ====================== All instances having extensions that include init.php when not using the mod.php for modules or ajax calls. Migration ========= Use the following code instead of the init.php inclusion if you still need custom entry points: .. code-block:: php define('TYPO3_MODE', 'BE'); require __DIR__ . '/sysext/core/Classes/Core/Bootstrap.php'; \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Bootstrap::getInstance()->run('typo3/'); If using a module, use the mod.php to register your own module. .. index:: PHP-API, Backend