.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-67658: =============================================================== Feature: #67658 - Introduce DataProcessors for splitting values =============================================================== See :issue:`67658` Description =========== Two new DataProcessors are added to allow flexible processing for comma-separated values. To use e.g. with the FLUIDTEMPLATE content object. The SplitProcessor allows to split values separated with a delimiter inside a single database field into an array to loop over it. The CommaSeparatedValueProcessor allows to split values into a two-dimensional array used for CSV files or tt_content records of CType "table". Using the SplitProcessor the following scenario is possible: .. code-block:: typoscript page.10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE page.10.file = EXT:site_default/Resources/Private/Template/Default.html page.10.dataProcessing.2 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\SplitProcessor page.10.dataProcessing.2 { if.isTrue.field = bodytext delimiter = , fieldName = bodytext removeEmptyEntries = 1 filterIntegers = 1 filterUnique = 1 as = keywords } In the Fluid template then iterate over the split data: .. code-block:: html
  • Keyword: {keyword}
  • Using the CommaSeparatedValueProcessor the following scenario is possible: .. code-block:: typoscript page.10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE page.10.file = EXT:site_default/Resources/Private/Template/Default.html page.10.dataProcessing.4 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\CommaSeparatedValueProcessor page.10.dataProcessing.4 { if.isTrue.field = bodytext fieldName = bodytext fieldDelimiter = | fieldEnclosure = maximumColumns = 2 as = table } In the Fluid template then iterate over the processed data: .. code-block:: html
    .. index:: TypoScript, Frontend