.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-67662: ========================================= Feature: #67662 - DataProcessor for files ========================================= See :issue:`67662` Description =========== A new Files DataProcessor has been introduced, which can be used to prepare data to be handled by a ContentObject implementing the processors, e.g. the FLUIDTEMPLATE ContentObject. The FilesProcessor resolves File References, Files, or Files inside a folder or collection to be used for output in the Frontend. A FLUIDTEMPLATE can then simply iterate over processed data automatically. .. code-block:: typoscript tt_content.image.20 = FLUIDTEMPLATE tt_content.image.20 { file = EXT:myextension/Resources/Private/Templates/ContentObjects/Image.html dataProcessing.10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor dataProcessing.10 { # the field name where relations are set # + stdWrap references.fieldName = image # the table name where relations are put, defaults to the currently selected record from $cObj->getTable() # + stdWrap references.table = tt_content # A list of sys_file UID records # + stdWrap files = 21,42 # A list of File Collection UID records # + stdWrap collections = 13,14 # A list of FAL Folder identifiers and files fetched recursive from all folders # + stdWrap folders = 1:introduction/images/,1:introduction/posters/ folders.recursive = 1 # Property of which the files should be sorted after they have been accumulated # can be any property of sys_file, sys_file_metadata # + stdWrap sorting = description # Can be "ascending", "descending" or "random", defaults to "ascending" if none given # + stdWrap sorting.direction = descending # The target variable to be handed to the ContentObject again, can be used # in Fluid e.g. to iterate over the objects. defaults to "files" when not defined # + stdWrap as = myfiles } } In the Fluid template then iterate over the files: .. code-block:: html .. index:: TypoScript, Frontend