.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-69855: ====================================================== Feature: #69855 - Dispatcher for Backend Routing added ====================================================== See :issue:`69855` Description =========== The previously introduced Backend Routing is updated so that Routes must be defined with a class name and method name, or a Closure / callable. The controller/action or closure is now named as "target". Example from `EXT:backend/Configuration/Backend/Routes.php` .. code-block:: php // Logout script for the TYPO3 Backend 'logout' => [ 'path' => '/logout', 'target' => Controller\LogoutController::class . '::logoutAction' ] Impact ====== Each method that is registered will receive both the Request object and the Response object which can be manipulated for output. The fixed `ControllerInterface` is not needed anymore and will be removed. .. index:: PHP-API, Backend