.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-69822: ============================================================= Deprecation: #69822 - Deprecate TCA settings of select fields ============================================================= See :issue:`69822` Description =========== Using the TCA field type `select` without specifying a valid `renderType` has been marked as deprecated. Additionally the usage of `renderMode` for select fields has been marked as deprecated. These `renderType` settings are available: .. container:: table-row Key renderType Datatype string Description This setting specifies how the select field should be displayed. Available options are: - `selectSingle` - Normal select field for selecting a single value. - `selectSingleBox` - Normal select field for selecting multiple values. - `selectCheckBox` - List of checkboxes for selecting muliple values. - `selectMultipleSideBySide` - Two select fields, items can be selected from the right field, selected items are displayed in the left select. - `selectTree` - A tree for selecting hierarchical data. Scope Display .. note:: If a field has no `renderType` set but `maxitems` is set, the migration will set `renderType` to `selectSingle` in case of `maxitems` is <= 1 otherwise `renderType` is set to `selectMultipleSideBySide` Impact ====== The old TCA settings can still be used. A migration handles the update of the settings. Affected Installations ====================== All installations with extensions that configure TCA select fields in the old format. Migration ========= Extension authors need to add the correct `renderType` setting to their select field definitions. .. index:: TCA, Backend