.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-72424: ====================================================================================== Breaking: #72424 - Removed deprecated TypoScriptFrontendController options and methods ====================================================================================== See :issue:`72424` Description =========== The following methods from `TypoScriptFrontendController` have been removed: * `getPageRenderer()` * `setExternalJumpUrl()` * `jumpUrl()` * `acquirePageGenerationLock()` * `releasePageGenerationLock()` * `doXHTML_cleaning()` * `doLocalAnchorFix()` * `checkFileInclude()` * `prefixLocalAnchorsWithScript()` * `getStorageSiterootPids()` Additionally, the public properties `jumpurl`, `JSeventFuncCalls` and `anchorPrefix` have been removed. The request parameter `jumpurl` is not evaluated anymore. The TypoScript property `config.additionalHeaders` has been removed. Impact ====== Calling any of the PHP methods directly will result in a fatal error. Accessing the properties will result in a PHP warning. Setting the TypoScript property has no effect anymore. Additionally, if EXT:felogin is misconfigured and lacks the `storagePid` property, an exception will be thrown. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation using the TypoScript property above, or a TYPO3 instance having third-party extensions calling the methods or properties directly. Migration ========= Use the TER extension `jumpurl` to implement the jumpurl functionality. Use the `config.additionalHeaders` subproperties (see https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/Setup/Config/Index.html#additionalheaders for details) to add the additional header lines. .. index:: PHP-API, TypoScript, Frontend, ext:jumpurl