.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-72602: ============================================== Breaking: #72602 - Removed unzip functionality ============================================== See :issue:`72602` Description =========== The legacy functionality to unzip files from outside the document root has been removed. Additionally, the corresponding option `$TYPO3_CONF_VARS[BE][unzip_path]` and the class member `ExtendedFileUtility::$unzipPath` have been removed as well. Legacy methods from the Extbase domain model BackendUser named `isFileUnzipAllowed` and `setFileUnzipAllowed` have been removed. Impact ====== Calling the entry point `FileController` using unzip action will have no effect anymore. Using the Extbase domain model methods will result in a fatal PHP error. Migration ========= Use a third-party extension to integrate unzip functionality into TYPO3. .. index:: PHP-API, LocalConfiguration, Backend