.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-72661: ====================================================== Breaking: #72661 - RTE Transformation ts_strip removed ====================================================== See :issue:`72661` Description =========== The Rich Text Editor transformation that removes all HTML tags except a hard-coded white-list of allowed HTML tags when saving data from the RTE to the database - called `ts_strip` - has been removed. Impact ====== Using the command `ts_strip` in the list of transformations via PageTSconfig or TCA directly will result in keeping the HTML tags inside the database. Affected Installations ====================== TYPO3 installations that use `ts_strip` explicitly in their TSconfig options, or instances with extensions that set this option. Migration ========= Use TSconfig options like `RTE.default.removeTags` to specify which tags should be removed when saving data to the database, or even better `RTE.default.proc.allowTags` which tags are whitelisted to the database together with the default RTE processing command `ts_css`. .. index:: TSConfig, Backend, RTE