.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-72826: =================================================================== Breaking: #72826 - Removed custom charset configuration for locales =================================================================== See :issue:`72826` Description =========== The TYPO3 Frontend resolved the TypoScript option `config.locale_all` and stored the charset part within `$TSFE->localeCharset`. If the option `locale_all` did not provide a charset (e.g. when it is set to `de_AT` instead of `de_AT.UTF-8` a "best guess" was done based on a static list set up in 2004. The option `$TSFE->localeCharset` has been removed, along with the following calculation options and methods available in the CharsetConverter class: * CharsetConverter->lang_to_script * CharsetConverter->script_to_charset_unix * CharsetConverter->script_to_charset_windows * CharsetConverter->locale_to_charset * CharsetConverter->get_locale_charset() The localeCharset option was solely used within the TypoScript functionality `stdWrap.strftime` when no custom character set was given, and a character set conversion from the "localeCharset" (based on the best guess or explicitly set via `config.locale_all = de_AT.UTF-8` and it was different than the renderCharset option of the TYPO3 Frontend. Impact ====== When custom locales are configured in TypoScript which are not present on the server, or the character set of `config.locale_all` differs from the `config.renderCharset`, or `config.locale_all` does not set a character set, could lead to unexpected output in the TYPO3 Frontend. Affected Installations ====================== Instances which have a different `config.locale_all` character set given than set via `config.renderCharset`, or on servers that don't have the charset of the locale available but the output should be a certain but not given character set. Migration ========= As this is a misconfiguration and only necessary if e.g. can not handle UTF-8 locales, `config.set_locale` can explicitly be set to `de_AT@iso-8859-15` and the output should be renderCharset. On instances where `stdWrap.strftime` is used, the subproperty `charset` can be set to the custom character set (e.g. `iso-8859-15`). In each case, it should be configured that the `config.locale_all` option should have a character set given, to avoid any side-effects with the TypoScript stdWrap option `strftime`. .. index:: PHP-API, TypoScript, Frontend