.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-72837: ====================================================================================================== Breaking: #72837 - RTE transformations: Allow div sections by default and remove font-specific parsing ====================================================================================================== See :issue:`72837` Description =========== The TSconfig `RTE.default.proc` options `preserveDIVSections` and `allowedFontColors` for transforming data between the Rich Text Editor and the database have been removed. The `preserveDIVSections` option is now built-in by default "always on", and DIV tags are always treated as block elements. Special handling for `` tags is done via the regular tag processing options like any other tag. Impact ====== Setting the TSconfig option `RTE.default.proc.preserveDIVSections = 0` or `RTE.default.proc.allowedFontColors` will have no effect anymore. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation using custom TSconfig configurations for the RTE and using `RTE.default.proc.preserveDIVSections` set to 0 or `RTE.default.proc.allowedFontColors` to any value. Migration ========= If DIV HTML elements should not treated like block elements, the RTE option `RTE.proc.blockElementList` can be manually customized to not include DIV elements. If the option `allowedFontColors` is still needed, the existing functionality can be achieved by using the `keepTags` functionality to sort out correct values for a property. .. index:: TSConfig, Backend, RTE