.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-72870: ========================================================================== Breaking: #72870 - Removed RTE transformation ts_preserve and preserveTags ========================================================================== See :issue:`72870` Description =========== The RTE configuration TSconfig option `RTE.default.proc.preserveTags` to preserve special tags has been removed. The RTE transformation mode "ts_preserve" to change special preserved tags and migrate to tags has been removed. The according methods `TS_preserve_db` and `TS_preserve_rte` within RteHtmlParser have been removed. Impact ====== Setting the TSconfig option or the RTE transformation mode has no effect anymore. Calling the removed PHP methods directly will result in fatal PHP errors. Affected Installations ====================== TYPO3 instances with custom RTE transformations using the removed "ts" transformation mode, or a custom transformation mode. Migration ========= Use the RTE processing option `RTE.default.proc.allowTags` to include the tags without rewriting them to custom tags. If special handling is still necessary, an existing hook can be used to re-implement the logic. .. index:: TSConfig, Backend, RTE