.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-72889: ================================================================================== Breaking: #72889 - Removed RteHtmlParser htmlspecialchars() transformation options ================================================================================== See :issue:`72889` Description =========== The TSconfig options `RTE.default.proc.dontHSC_rte` and `RTE.default.proc.dontUndoHSC_db` have been removed from the TYPO3 Core. Impact ====== Setting these options has no effect anymore. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation using these options for properly applying htmlspecialchars() to the RTE content when cleaning the HTML input from an RTE and vice versa. Migration ========= Use `entryHtmlParser` and `exitHtmlParser` to apply htmlspecialchars while transforming content from the RTE or to the RTE. .. index:: TSConfig, Backend, RTE