.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-73794: =============================================== Breaking: #73794 - renderCharset option removed =============================================== See :issue:`73794` Description =========== The TypoScript option `config.renderCharset` which was used as character set for internal conversion within a frontend request has been removed, as internal conversions are always set to UTF-8 now. The property `$TSFE->renderCharset` is now always set to `utf-8`, and is not used within the TYPO3 Core anymore. Please note that it is still possible to define the character set of the returned content via `config.metaCharset`. Impact ====== Using TYPO3 with a different datasource which is not UTF-8 (e.g. a database with latin1) might return unexpected results. Non-UTF-8 databases work as expected if the connection charset is still UTF-8, as the DBMS takes care of converting the data to UTF-8. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation that uses the `config.renderCharset` TypoScript option with a different value than `utf-8`. Migration ========= Remove the TypoScript option from any TypoScript settings. If data sources (files, database input) are used that are different than UTF-8, a manual conversion via the CharsetConverter PHP class is needed. .. index:: TypoScript, Frontend