.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-72045: ==================================================== Feature: #72045 - HTMLparser.stripEmptyTags.keepTags ==================================================== See :issue:`72045` Description =========== A new option for the `HTMLparser.stripEmptyTags` configuration is added. It allows keeping configured tags. Before this change only a list of tags could be provided that should be removed. The following example will strip all empty tags **except** `tr` and `td` tags. :: HTMLparser.stripEmptyTags = 1 HTMLparser.stripEmptyTags.keepTags = tr,td **Important!** If this setting is used the `stripEmptyTags.tags` configuration will have no effect any more. You can only use one option at a time. Impact ====== Unless the configuration of the `HTMLparser is changed`, the stripEmptyTags feature will work as before. .. index:: Backend, TSConfig