.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-75454: ===================================================================== Breaking: #75454 - LocalConfiguration DB config structure has changed ===================================================================== See :issue:`75454` Description =========== To provide support for multiple database connections and remapping tables to different database systems within the TYPO3 Core the configuration format for database connections in :file:`LocalConfiguration.php` / :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['DB']` has changed. The new configuration array structure: .. code-block:: php 'DB' => [ 'Connections' => [ 'Default' => [ 'driver' => 'mysqli', 'dbname' => 'typo3_database', 'password' => 'typo3', 'host' => '', 'port' => 3306, 'user' => 'typo3', 'unix_socket' => '', 'charset' => 'utf-8', ], ], ], Be aware that besides the deeper nesting below 'Connections/Default' some of the configuration keys have been renamed. It is required to provide the new configuration key `driver` with a value of `mysqli` explicitly. The following table lists the changed configuration keys and the appropriate values if these have changed. ============================ =============================================== Old name New name ============================ =============================================== DB/username DB/Connections/Default/user DB/password DB/Connections/Default/password DB/host DB/Connections/Default/host DB/port DB/Connections/Default/port DB/socket DB/Connections/Default/unix_socket DB/database DB/Connections/Default/dbname SYS/setDBinit DB/Connections/Default/initCommands SYS/no_pconnect DB/Connections/Default/persistentConnection SYS/dbClientCompress DB/Connections/Default/driverOptions Valid values for MySQLi connections: 0 compression disabled 32 compression enabled ============================ =============================================== Impact ====== Connections to the database will fail with an exception until the configuration has been migrated to the new structure. Affected Installations ====================== All Installations Migration ========= The Install Tool will migrate the configuration information for the default connection to the new format. Installations overriding the database configuration using :file:`AdditionalConfiguration.php` or other means need to ensure the new format is being used. .. index:: Database, LocalConfiguration