.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-75454-1668719172: ============================================= Breaking: #75454 - TYPO3_db Constants removed ============================================= See :issue:`75454` Description =========== The PHP constants :php:`TYPO3_db`, :php:`TYPO3_db_username`, :php:`TYPO3_db_password` and :php:`TYPO3_db_host` which were used when TYPO3 initialized the database connection have been removed. Impact ====== Checking for or using the mentioned constants may lead to unexpected behavior or errors. If not checked if the constant even was defined, the application will stop immediately. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation which uses a third-party extension using these constants. Migration ========= Use the configuration data within :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['DB']['Connections']['Default']` to determine the username, password and host information for the default database connection. .. index:: PHP-API, Database, LocalConfiguration