.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-76259: ======================================================== Breaking: #76259 - Value passed to hook getTable changed ======================================================== See :issue:`76259` Description =========== The value of :php:`$additionalWhere` passed to the method :php:`getDBlistQuery()` as part of the hook `getTable` in :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList` has changed and no longer includes the leading `AND`. Impact ====== 3rd Party extensions implementing the hook method need to ensure the leading `AND` is no longer present. The leading `AND` should also not be returned anymore. Affected Installations ====================== Installations using 3rd party extensions that implement the hook method. Migration ========= Migrate the hook method to no longer expect or prepend the leading `AND`. .. index:: Database, PHP-API, Backend