.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-77453-1668719172: ===================================================================== Breaking: #77453 - Signature of AbstractPlugin::pi_exec_query changed ===================================================================== See :issue:`77453` Description =========== The value returned by :php:`AbstractPlugin::pi_exec_query` has changed. Instead of returning one of :php:`bool`, :php:`\mysqli_result` or :php:`object` the method always returns a :php:`Doctrine\Dbal\Driver\Statement`. Impact ====== 3rd Party extensions using :php:`AbstractPlugin::pi_exec_query` need to be modified to work with the new return type. Affected Installations ====================== Installations using 3rd party extensions that use :php:`AbstractPlugin::pi_exec_query`. Migration ========= Migrate your code to use the :php:`Statement` object: .. code-block:: php $statement = $this->pi_exec_query(...); while($row = $statement->fetch()) { // ... do something here } .. index:: Database, PHP-API