.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-77460: ============================================== Breaking: #77460 - Extbase query cache removed ============================================== See :issue:`77460` Description =========== The PHP-based query cache functionality within the Extbase persistence layer has been removed. The following public methods within the Extbase persistence layer have been removed: * :php:`Typo3DbBackend->quoteTextValueCallback()` * :php:`Typo3DbBackend->initializeObject()` * :php:`Typo3DbBackend->injectCacheManager()` * Interface definition in :php:`QuerySettingsInterface->getUseQueryCache()` The TypoScript configuration :typoscript:`config.tx_extbase.persistence.useQueryCache` has no effect anymore. Impact ====== The according cache configuration set via :php:`$GLOBALS[TYPO3_CONF_VARS][SYS][cache][cacheConfigurations][extbase_typo3dbbackend_queries]` has no effect anymore. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation effectively relying on the query cache via a third party extension or explicitly deactivating the query cache of extbase. Migration ========= Remove the according lines and migrate to Doctrine. .. index:: Database, PHP-API, LocalConfiguration, ext:extbase