.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-77296: ======================================================================================== Deprecation: #77296 - Deprecate public member parentMenuArr in AbstractMenuContentObject ======================================================================================== See :issue:`77296` Description =========== The previously undefined member `parentMenuArr` has been added as public member and marked as deprecated. Impact ====== The parentMenuArr will be publicly accessible until it is changed to protected in TYPO3 v9. Affected Installations ====================== Instances that have menus with sublevels and using this member in the itemArrayProcFunc. Migration ========= Use the provided API function :php:`getParentMenuArr()` to get the parentMenuArr instead. This method always returns an array. If you need the direct parent menuitem of the current sublevel use :php:`getParentMenuItem()` method. .. index:: Frontend, PHP-API