.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-78524: =============================================================== Deprecation: #78524 - TCA option versioning_followPages removed =============================================================== See :issue:`78524` Description =========== The option `$TCA[$table][ctrl][versioning_followPages]` which was used for branch versioning has been removed. Additionally the option `$TCA[$table][ctrl][versioningWS]` is now cast to boolean. The branch / page versioning functionality was removed in TYPO3 v7, but the leftover functionality code has been completely removed as well. Impact ====== A deprecation message is thrown when scanning the TCA tree for these options not being properly set or removed. Affected Installations ====================== Any TYPO3 installation with a TCA definition as mentioned above. Migration ========= Remove the setting `$TCA[$table][ctrl][versioning_followPages]` from any TCA definition. If a TCA table has workspaces enabled, set the option `$TCA[$table][ctrl][versioningWS]` to a boolean (true/false) directly. .. index:: TCA, ext:workspaces, Backend