.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-67909: ========================================================================= Feature: #67909 - Add hook to DataHandler - localize - translateToMessage ========================================================================= See :issue:`67909` Description =========== By introducing a new hook to the `localize()` function (the `translateToMessage` part in particular) you are now able to use external translation services and speed-up translation of the content and even add a custom transliteration function that would handle various content transformations. Impact ====== A new hook is available at: .. code-block:: php $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php']['processTranslateToClass'] Implement it for example as follows: .. code-block:: php class YourHookClass { public function processTranslateTo_copyAction(&$content, $lang, $dataHandler, $fieldName) { // Do something with content (translate, transliterate etc) } } Note ====== Since Version 8.7.16 hooks now get a fourth parameter for the currently processed fieldname. .. index:: PHP-API, Backend