.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-79242: ========================================== Breaking: #79242 - Remove l10n_mode noCopy ========================================== See :issue:`79242` Description =========== The setting `noCopy` has been removed without replacement from the list of possible values of the TCA column property `l10n_mode`. Impact ====== Previously `noCopy` prevented that values of the parent language record were copied to a particular localization when that was created. Now, this value is duplicated during the creation of the localized record and has to be cleared manually if required. Affected Installations ====================== All having :php:`$GLOBALS['TCA'][]['columns'][]['l10n_mode']` set to `noCopy`. Migration ========= Remove setting :php:`$GLOBALS['TCA'][]['columns'][]['l10n_mode']` if it is set to `noCopy`. .. index:: TCA, Backend