.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-79243: =================================================== Breaking: #79243 - Remove l10n_mode mergeIfNotBlank =================================================== See :issue:`79243` Description =========== The setting `mergeIfNotBlank` has been removed without replacement from the list of possible values of the TCA column property `l10n_mode`. Impact ====== Previously values of a localization having a dependent parent record were taken from the parent record if `l10n_mode` for the particular field was set to `mergeIfNotBlank` and the value in the localization was empty. Now, this value is duplicated during the creation of the localized record and has to be modified manually if required. Affected Installations ====================== All instances with extensions setting TCA options and having :php:`$GLOBALS['TCA'][]['columns'][]['l10n_mode']` set to `mergeIfNotBlank`. Migration ========= First execute the upgrade wizard **Migrate values in database records having "l10n_mode" set** in the install tool. After that, remove :php:`$GLOBALS['TCA'][]['columns'][]['l10n_mode']` if it is set to `mergeIfNotBlank`. If `l10n_mode` is removed before the upgrade wizard has been executed, nothing will be migrated - thus, it's important to keep that order of migration. The upgrade wizard executes the following field usages: * inline children, pointing to `sys_file_reference`: file references are localized for the the localization, if missing there * group fields, basically not using MM intermediate tables: value is cloned to the accordant field in the localization, if empty there * any other field type: value is cloned to the accordant field in the localization, is blank there The term `blank` refers to an empty string (`''`), `empty` refers to an empty string, null values and zero values (numeric and string). .. index:: Database, TCA