.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-79259: ===================================== Breaking: #79259 - EXT:t3skin removed ===================================== See :issue:`79259` Description =========== The system extension `t3skin` has been removed, as all functionality has been migrated into other system extensions. All ExtJS-related images and css files have been moved to EXT:core. All other images have been unused for a while now, and have been deleted from the TYPO3 core. Impact ====== Any direct references to EXT:t3skin now lead to missing styling or image(s). Affected Installations ====================== All installations that use CSS files or images from EXT:t3skin. Migration ========= Do not use ExtJS styling or images anymore, as ExtJS will be removed from the core. Other direct references to image(s) in EXT:t3skin should be migrated to have the image(s) in custom extension. .. index:: Backend, TCA, ext:t3skin