.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-72749: ============================================ Feature: #72749 - CLI support for T3D import ============================================ See :issue:`72749` Description =========== EXT:impexp now allows to import data files (T3D or XML) via the command line interface through a Symfony Command. Impact ====== The command line allows the following options: .. code-block:: text Imports a T3D file into a page. USAGE: ./typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 impexp:import [] ARGUMENTS: --file The path / filename to import (.t3d or .xml), the EXT: syntax can be used as well --pageId The page id where the page should be started from, defaults to "0" if not set OPTIONS: --updateRecords Force updating existing records --ignorePid Don't correct page ids of updated records --enableLog log all database action .. index:: CLI, ext:impexp