.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _important-85385-1668719172: ================================================= Important: #85385 - Integrate Phar Stream Wrapper ================================================= See :issue:`85385` Description =========== In order to solve the issues mentioned in the `security advisory TYPO3-SA-2018-002`_ a new `PharStreamWrapper` has been integrated that intercepts all according stream actions using the `phar://` stream prefix. `PharStreamWrapper` only allows invocation of Phar files that are located in the usual extension directory located in `typo3conf/ext/` - Phar files stored at different locations cannot be invoked anymore. When using Phar files in extensions PHP's `__DIR__` magic constant has to be avoided and replaced by according TYPO3 file resolving instead. This is required in order to allow extensions being referenced using symbolic links - when `__DIR__` points to the source which is probably outside of `typo3conf/ext/` and thus denies the expected Phar file invocation. .. code-block:: php // ... include_once 'phar://' . __DIR__ . '/Resources/bundle.phar/vendor/autoload.php'; // ... has to be adjusted to the following instead, using `ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath()` in order to resolve the proper path .. code-block:: php // ... include_once 'phar://' . \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('my_extension') . '/Resources/bundle.phar/vendor/autoload.php'; // ... .. _security advisory TYPO3-SA-2018-002: https://typo3.org/security/advisory/typo3-core-sa-2018-002/ .. index:: PHP-API, ext:core