.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-78650: ===================================================== Deprecation: #78650 - TemplateService->splitConfArray ===================================================== See :issue:`78650` Description =========== The method :php:`TemplateService->splitConfArray` which has been used for building the "optionSplit" functionality has been marked as deprecated. The method is now moved to a new class called :php:`TypoScriptService`, effectively removing the dependency on :php:`$TSFE->tmpl` within a ContentObject. Impact ====== Calling :php:`TemplateService->splitConfArray` will throw a deprecation warning. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation using an extension that calls this method. Migration ========= Use the new method :php:`TypoScriptService->explodeConfigurationForOptionSplit` instead. .. index:: PHP-API, TypoScript, Frontend