.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-80076: ================================================================= Deprecation: #80076 - TypoScript option page.insertClassesFromRTE ================================================================= See :issue:`80076` Description =========== The TypoScript setting :typoscript:`page.insertClassesFromRTE` has been marked as deprecated. The option enabled loading of CSS classes defined by backend PageTs config :typoscript:`RTE.classes` as inline CSS into a frontend page. However it did not take merged RTE options and userTS/pageTS overrides into account. Impact ====== Setting :typoscript:`page.insertClassesFromRTE` in TypoScript will trigger a deprecation log entry. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation having the option activated in TypoScript. Migration ========= In order to separate the functionality, all CSS classes which have been used in the RTE should be defined separately for the frontend rendering in a custom CSS/LESS/SASS file. .. index:: TypoScript, Frontend, RTE