.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-80491: ======================================================= Deprecation: #80491 - BackendController inclusion hooks ======================================================= See :issue:`80491` Description =========== The hook within BackendController :php:`$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["typo3/backend.php"]["additionalBackendItems"]` has been marked as deprecated. Loading ExtJS module JS/CSS files via :php:`ExtensionManagementUtility::addExtJSModule()` inside the module configuration has been deprecated. Calling :php:`BackendController->addJavascriptFile()`, :php:`BackendController->addJavascript()` and :php:`BackendController->addCssFile()` will trigger a deprecation log entry. Impact ====== Registering a hook via :php:`$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["typo3/backend.php"]["additionalBackendItems"]` and then calling the Backend main page will trigger a deprecation log warning. Registering any backend module which should load a global CSS/JS file within a module configuration will trigger a deprecation log warning. Calling any of the methods above will trigger a deprecation log warning. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation using the hook or PHP methods directly in a custom extension, or using any of the public methods above in a custom PHP script. Migration ========= Use the "constructPostProcess" hook within BackendController to load additional resources to achieve the same functionality. .. index:: Backend, PHP-API