.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-80527: ===================================================================== Deprecation: #80527 - Marker-related methods in ContentObjectRenderer ===================================================================== See :issue:`80527` Description =========== The following methods within :php:`ContentObjectRenderer` PHP class have been marked as deprecated: * :php:`getSubpart()` * :php:`substituteSubpart()` * :php:`substituteSubpartArray()` * :php:`substituteMarker()` * :php:`substituteMarkerArrayCached()` * :php:`substituteMarkerArray()` * :php:`substituteMarkerInObject()` * :php:`substituteMarkerAndSubpartArrayRecursive()` * :php:`fillInMarkerArray()` Impact ====== Calling any of the methods above will trigger a deprecation log entry. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation using custom extensions calling these API methods. Migration ========= Instantiate the class :php:`MarkerBasedTemplateService` available in TYPO3 v7, which contains equivalents to all methods that have been marked as deprecated with the same functionality and namings. .. index:: PHP-API, Frontend