.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-80374: ========================================================================================= Feature: #80374 - Frontend Login configuration now available through TypoScript constants ========================================================================================= See :issue:`80374` Description =========== The most common configuration options for the "Frontend Login" configuration are now available as TypoScript constants, and moved to a new section "Frontend Login" in the constant editor. Storage ------- styles.content.loginform.pid Storage Folder: Define the Storage Folder with the Website User Records, using a comma separated list or single value styles.content.loginform.recursive Recursive: If set, also any subfolders of the storagePid will be used Template -------- styles.content.loginform.templateFile Login template: Enter the path for the HTML template to be used styles.content.loginform.feloginBaseURL BaseURL for generated links: Base url if something other than the system base URL is needed styles.content.loginform.dateFormat Date format: Format for the link is valid until message (forget password email) Features -------- styles.content.loginform.showForgotPasswordLink Display Password Recovery Link: If set, the section in the template to display the link to the forget password dialogue is visible. styles.content.loginform.showPermaLogin Display Remember Login Option: If set, the section in the template to display the option to remember the login (with a cookie) is visible. styles.content.loginform.showLogoutFormAfterLogin Disable redirect after successful login, but display logout-form: If set, the logout form will be displayed immediately after successful login. E-Mail ------ styles.content.loginform.emailFrom E-Mail Sender Address: E-Mail address used as sender of the change password emails styles.content.loginform.emailFromName E-Mail Sender Name: Name used as sender of the change password emails styles.content.loginform.replyToEmail Reply To E-Mail Address: Reply-to address used in the change password emails Redirects --------- styles.content.loginform.redirectMode Redirect Mode: Comma separated list of redirect modes. Possible values: groupLogin, userLogin, login, getpost, referer, refererDomains, loginError, logout styles.content.loginform.redirectFirstMethod Use First Supported Mode from Selection: If set the first method from redirectMode which is possible will be used styles.content.loginform.redirectPageLogin After Successful Login Redirect to Page: Page id to redirect to after Login styles.content.loginform.redirectPageLoginError After Failed Login Redirect to Page: Page id to redirect to after Login Error styles.content.loginform.redirectPageLogout After Logout Redirect to Page: Page id to redirect to after Logout styles.content.loginform.redirectDisable Disable Redirect: If set redirecting is disabled Security -------- styles.content.loginform.forgotLinkHashValidTime Time in hours how long the link for forget password is valid: How many hours the link for forget password is valid styles.content.loginform.newPasswordMinLength Minimum amount of characters, when setting a new password: Minimum length of the new password a user sets styles.content.loginform.domains Allowed Referrer-Redirect-Domains: Comma separated list of domains which are allowed for the referrer redirect mode styles.content.loginform.exposeNonexistentUserInForgotPasswordDialog Expose existing users: Expose the information on whether or not the account for which a new password was requested exists. By default, that information is not disclosed for privacy reasons. Impact ====== Frontend Login configuration is now always added first and not depending anymore and not depending anymore on the configuration of the TypoScript template. This allows reliable configuration since the configuration is not a moving target. .. index:: TypoScript, Frontend