.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-82378: =========================================== Breaking: #82378 - Remove namespaced jQuery =========================================== See :issue:`82378` Description =========== The possibility to jail jQuery into a namespace has been removed. This affects custom namespaces and :js:`TYPO3.jQuery` as well. The class constants :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Core\Page\PageRenderer::JQUERY_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT` and :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Core\Page\PageRenderer::JQUERY_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT_NOCONFLICT` have been removed without substitution, any usage will be detected by the Extension Scanner. Impact ====== Namespaces will be ignored and automatically fall back to noConflict behavior. Calling :js:`TYPO3.jQuery.*` will result in a TypeError. Affected Installations ====================== All installations using a custom namespace, :php:`PageRenderer::JQUERY_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT` :php:`PageRenderer::JQUERY_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT` or relying on :js:`TYPO3.jQuery` are affected. Migration ========= Remove :php:`$namespace` argument in :php:`PageRenderer->loadJquery()` and either use :js:`window.$` or migrate to RequireJS. .. index:: Backend, Frontend, JavaScript, PartiallyScanned