.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-83529: ===================================================== Feature: #83529 - Execute hooks on backend user login ===================================================== See :issue:`83529` Description =========== When a user successfully logs in to the backend of TYPO3, registered hooks are executed. Developers can register their hooks as shown below. .. code-block:: php // Register hook on successful BE user login $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_userauthgroup.php']['backendUserLogin'][] = \Vendor\MyExtension\Hooks\BackendUserLogin::class . '->dispatch'; On user login, method :php:`dispatch()` of class :php:`\Vendor\MyExtension\Hooks\BackendUserLogin` is executed and the backend user array is passed as a parameter: .. code-block:: php public function dispatch(array $backendUser) { if (isset($backendUser['user']['username'])) { $username = $backendUser['user']['username']; $email = $backendUser['user']['email']; // do something... } } Impact ====== TYPO3 core developers as well as extension developers can develop functions which will be executed when a backend user successfully logs in to the backend of TYPO3. A typical use case would be any type of notification service. .. index:: PHP-API, LocalConfiguration