.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-84744: ============================================== Breaking: #84744 - Raise doctrine/dbal-version ============================================== See :issue:`84744` Description =========== The upgrade doctrine/dbal to 2.7.1 came with a potentially breaking change that makes it necessary to adjust the format of DateInterval fields. Those fields can now be negative as well and thus are expected to begin with either `+` or `-`. Impact ====== Users not having prefixes in DateInterval fields will be greeted by a :php:`ConversionException`. We do not expect many (if any) TYPO3 users to be affected by this change. You can read up on the topic at https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/2579 and https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/releases/tag/v2.7.0. Affected Installations ====================== Users with existing DateInterval fields that don't yet use the proper field prefix. Migration ========= Manually provide the proper prefixes in your DateInterval fields. If you didn't use negative DateIntervals yet, you can safely prefix your data with `+`. .. index:: Database, PHP-API, NotScanned