.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-84775: ============================================================================================ Feature: #84775 - Extend HMENU to support auto filling of special.value for special=language ============================================================================================ See :issue:`84775` Description =========== This feature extends the :typoscript:`HMENU` content object to support the auto filling of :typoscript:`special.value` for language menus with the site languages available for the current site. Setting :typoscript:`special.value` to :typoscript:`auto` will include all available languages from the current site. In case of :typoscript:`special.value = auto` the register :typoscript:`languages_HMENU` will be set with the determined IDs for the further usage in TypoScript. Changed options --------------- :`special.value`: A list of comma separated language IDs (e.g. 0,1,2) or :typoscript:`auto` to load the list from site languages Example TypoScript configuration -------------------------------- .. code-block:: typoscript 10 = HMENU 10 { special = language special.value = auto } .. index:: Frontend, TypoScript