.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-85971: ===================================================== Deprecation: #85971 - PageRepository->getFirstWebPage ===================================================== See :issue:`85971` Description =========== The method php:`PageRepository->getFirstWebPage()` is only used when no "?id" parameter is given, and no rootpage was resolved. As this is the only use-case, a more generic "getMenu" method can be used, which does the same except for not "limiting" the query to one result, so there is a minimal memory penalty when doing so. However due to Pseudo-Site functionality this drawback only applies to rare cases. Impact ====== Calling the method directly will trigger a PHP :php:`E_USER_DEPRECATED` error. Affected Installations ====================== Any TYPO3 installation with extensions directly calling this method. Migration ========= Use php:`PageRepository->getMenu()` instead. .. index:: Frontend, FullyScanned, ext:frontend