.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-94825-1667998632: ====================================================== Feature: #94825 - New f:sanitize.html Fluid ViewHelper ====================================================== See :issue:`94825` Description =========== A new Fluid ViewHelper :html:`` is available for use in any Fluid Template. Unlike :html:`` the new ViewHelper does not fully rewrite the contents of the ViewHelper, but only cleans the HTML for incorrect / possibly bad code. The htmlSanitize keeps all HTML code as is, but cleans up invalid and malicious code based on the third-party package `typo3/html-sanitize`. An optional view-helper argument `build` allows using a defined preset, or a fully qualified class name of a builder instance as alternative, which has to implement :php:`\TYPO3\HtmlSanitizer\Builder\BuilderInterface`. If not given, the configuration falls back to the best-practice sanitization preset for TYPO3's base RTE configuration (called "default"). Impact ====== The "default" preset of :html:`` allows to explicitly sanitize user-submitted markup - for instance provided in rich-text input fields using the TYPO3 backend user interface. The default preset only supports common HTML tags and attributes that usually are expected to be safe - for instance :html:`