.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-86197: ================================================== Deprecation: #86197 - Protected FileListController ================================================== See :issue:`86197` Description =========== The following properties of class :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Filelist\Controller\FileListController` changed their visibility from public to protected and should not be called any longer: * :php:`MOD_MENU` * :php:`MOD_SETTINGS` * :php:`doc` * :php:`id` * :php:`pointer` * :php:`table` * :php:`imagemode` * :php:`cmd` * :php:`filelist` The following methods of class :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Filelist\Controller\FileListController` changed their visibility from public to protected and should not be called any longer: * :php:`menuConfig()` * :php:`initializeView()` * :php:`initializeIndexAction()` * :php:`indexAction()` * :php:`missingFolderAction()` * :php:`searchAction()` Also, :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Beuser\Controller\BackendUserController->initializeView()` changed visibility from public to protected and should not be called any longer. Additionally, first constructor argument :php:`$fileListController` of class :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Filelist\FileList` is now optional, class property :php:`$fileListController` should not be used any longer in hooks of that class. Impact ====== Calling one of the above properties or methods from a third party object will trigger a PHP :php:`E_USER_DEPRECATED` error. Affected Installations ====================== Controllers of the core are usually not called by extensions directly, but only through core routing and dispatching mechanisms. Extensions are unlikely to be affected by this change. Migration ========= No migration possible. .. index:: Backend, PHP-API, NotScanned, ext:filelist