.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-87936: ============================================== Breaking: #87936 - TCA for sys_history removed ============================================== See :issue:`87936` Description =========== The TCA definition for :sql:`sys_history` database table was removed. It was never shown in TYPO3 Backend, and only in use for the BElog module as Extbase Domain Model. However, this relationship between logs and sys_history was decoupled in TYP3 v9.0. The database field :sql:`pid` which was "0" at all times, is now removed. Impact ====== Accessing :php:`$GLOBALS[TCA][sys_history]` will trigger a PHP :php:`E_WARNING`, and the contents of the array are not available anymore. Affected Installations ====================== Any TYPO3 installation with extensions accessing the global array by making use of :sql:`sys_history`. Migration ========= If still needed, an extension should deliver the full TCA definition of :sql:`sys_history`. .. index:: Database, TCA, FullyScanned, ext:core