.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-80420: ========================================================== Deprecation: #80420 - EmailFinisher single address options ========================================================== See :issue:`80420` Description =========== The :php:`EmailFinisher` of EXT:form has options to set multiple recipients for :code:`To`, :code:`CC` and :code:`BCC`. For consistency reasons and to limit the number of choices, resulting in easier configuration, the single value configuration options have will be removed in favour for their respective multi value variants. For this reason, the following options have been marked as deprecated and will be removed in TYPO3 11.0: * :yaml:`recipientAddress` * :yaml:`recipientName` * :yaml:`replyToAddress` * :yaml:`carbonCopyAddress` * :yaml:`blindCarbonCopyAddress` If any of these options are used, their values will be automatically migrated to their replacements. Opening and saving a form with the form editor once also performs this migration and makes it permanent. Impact ====== Any of these options will no longer work in TYPO3 11.0. Affected Installations ====================== All installations which use EXT:form and its :php:`EmailFinisher`. Migration ========= All single value options must be migrated to their list value successors. Multiple Recipients ------------------- Change :yaml:`recipientAddress` and :yaml:`recipientName` to :yaml:`recipients`. Before: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: recipientAddress: to@example.org recipientName: 'To Example' After: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: recipients: to@example.org: 'To Example' Multiple Reply-To Recipients ---------------------------- Change :yaml:`replyToAddress` to :yaml:`replyToRecipients`. Additionally this allows for setting the name of a Reply-To recipient. Before: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: replyToAddress: rt@example.org After: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: replyToRecipients: rt@example.org@example.org: 'Reply-To Example' Multiple Carbon Copy (CC) Recipients ------------------------------------ Change :yaml:`carbonCopyAddress` to :yaml:`carbonCopyRecipients`. Additionally this allows for setting the name of a CC recipient. Before: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: carbonCopyAddress: cc@example.org After: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: carbonCopyRecipients: cc@example.org: 'CC Example' Multiple Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) Recipients ------------------------------------------- Change :yaml:`blindCarbonCopyAddress` to :yaml:`blindCarbonCopyRecipients`. Additionally this allows for setting the name of a BCC recipient. Before: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: blindCarbonCopyAddress: bcc@example.org After: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: blindCarbonCopyRecipients: bcc@example.org: 'BCC Example' .. index:: YAML, NotScanned, ext:form