.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-87433: ============================================================= Feature: #87433 - Add changefreq and priority for XML sitemap ============================================================= See :issue:`87433` Description =========== Sitemap.xml files may contain a change frequency and a priority for entries. Change frequencies define how often each page is approximately updated and hence how often it should be revisited (for example: News in an archive are "never" updated, while your home page might get "weekly" updates). Priority allows you to define how important the page is compared to other pages on your site. The priority is stated in a value from 0 to 1. Your most important pages can get an higher priority as other pages. This value does not affect how important your pages are compared to pages of other websites. This feature allows to define the properties :typoscript:`changefreq` and :typoscript:`priority` for sitemap entries in TYPO3. The properties :typoscript:`changefreq` and :typoscript:`priority` of pages can be controlled via page properties. For records, the settings can be defined in TypoScript by mapping the properties to fields of the record by using the options :typoscript:`changeFreqField` and :typoscript:`priorityField`. :typoscript:`changeFreqField` needs to point to a field containing string values (see :typoscript:`pages` definition of field :typoscript:`sitemap_changefreq`), :typoscript:`priorityField` needs to point to a field with a decimal value between 0 and 1. .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_seo { config { xmlSitemap { sitemaps { { provider = TYPO3\CMS\Seo\XmlSitemap\RecordsXmlSitemapDataProvider config { table = news_table sortField = sorting lastModifiedField = tstamp changeFreqField = news_changefreq priorityField = news_priority additionalWhere = AND (no_index = 0 OR no_follow = 0) pid = url { pageId = fieldToParameterMap { uid = tx_extension_pi1[news] } additionalGetParameters { tx_extension_pi1.controller = News tx_extension_pi1.action = detail } } } } } } } } Impact ====== Two new fields are available in the page properties: `sitemap_priority` (decimal) and `sitemap_changefreq` (list of values, for example "weekly", "daily", "never"). Two new TypoScript options for the :typoscript:`RecordsXmlSitemapDataProvider` have been introduced: :typoscript:`changeFreqField` and :typoscript:`priorityField`. All pages and records get a priority of 0.5 by default. .. attention:: Both priority and change frequency does have no impact on your rankings. These options only gives hints to search engines in which order and how often you would like a crawler to visit your pages. .. index:: ext:seo, Frontend, TypoScript