.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-88862: =================================== Deprecation: #88862 - T3_RETURN_URL =================================== See :issue:`88862` Description =========== The JavaScript variable :js:`T3_RETURN_URL` holding the returnUrl sent with the current request either via `GET` or `POST` has been marked as deprecated. Impact ====== Since this is a global JavaScript variable, no proper deprecation layer applies and thus no deprecation notice is rendered. Affected Installations ====================== All third party extensions using :js:`T3_RETURN_URL` are affected. Migration ========= Get the submitted returnUrl by using PHP: .. code-block:: php // Variant 1 $returnUrl = GeneralUtility::sanitizeLocalUrl(GeneralUtility::_GP('returnUrl')); // Variant 2 $returnUrl = $request->getParsedBody()['returnUrl'] ?? $request->getQueryParams()['returnUrl'] ?? ''; .. index:: Backend, JavaScript, NotScanned, ext:backend