.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-91974: ================================================================= Breaking: #91974 - Configuration Option IPmaskMountGroups removed ================================================================= See :issue:`91974` Description =========== The global configuration option :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE'][IPmaskMountGroups]` has been removed. It allowed to automatically assign groups to users visiting the TYPO3 Frontend from specific IP addresses / networks. This is especially handy to show content only in Intranet/Extranet sites where internal members see restricted content automatically. However, showing content based on certain contexts is usually solved with a much more flexible way through third-party extensions such as EXT:contexts. Third-party extensions allow even for automatic login based on IP-addresses, which should be used instead. Impact ====== The mentioned option is automatically removed from :file:`LocalConfiguration.php` on upgrade, and not evaluated anymore. Affected Installations ====================== Installations having the global configuration setting set in :file:`typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php` or :file:`typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php`, mostly related to intranet / extranet websites. Migration ========= If this functionality explicitly is required, it can be provided by a third-party extension, or a custom extension registering a AuthenticationService ("getGroupsFE") to assign the groups on a more specific approach. .. index:: LocalConfiguration, FullyScanned, ext:frontend