.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-91911: ============================================================================================= Deprecation: #91911 - optionEl of type jQuery in FormEngine.setSelectOptionFromExternalSource ============================================================================================= See :issue:`91911` Description =========== The 6th argument :js:`optionEl` of the method :js:`FormEngine.setSelectOptionFromExternalSource()` now accepts objects of type `HTMLOptionElement`. In the same run, passing a jQuery object has been marked as deprecated. Impact ====== jQuery objects automatically get converted to their native HTMLElement object. Calling the method with passing a jQuery object will log a deprecation warning to the browser's console. Affected Installations ====================== All installations passing a jQuery object as :js:`optionEl` to :js:`FormEngine.setSelectOptionFromExternalSource()` are affected. Migration ========= Pass a native HTMLOptionElement to :js:`FormEngine.setSelectOptionFromExternalSource()`. .. index:: Backend, JavaScript, NotScanned, ext:backend