.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-94653: =============================================================== Feature: #94653 - Autocomplete attribute for PasswordViewHelper =============================================================== See :issue:`94653` Description =========== Since password managers are frequently used by end users nowadays, a password field can define the :html:`autocomplete` attribute, which informs the users' password manager how to fill the corresponding field. For example, creating a new password or filling in the current password. See `MDN Allowing autocomplete`_ for a full list of possible attribute values. To ease the use for integrators and developers, the attribute can now directly be added as tag attribute to the :php:`PasswordViewHelper`. Example: .. code-block:: html Impact ====== It's now possible to specify the :html:`autocomplete` attribute for the password field through the :php:`PasswordViewHelper`. .. _MDN Allowing autocomplete: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/password#allowing_autocomplete .. index:: Fluid, ext:fluid